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Online Learning Resources for Students

Resources for Students

VHCC Faculty and Staff Directory


Do you have questions dealing with technology, Canvas, Zoom, Email, etc.? Contact the VHCC Helpdesk:


If you look in the lower right-hand corner of any VHCC webpage you will see this icon:

Live Chat

Click the icon to access our live chat option to communicate directly with key service centers at VHCC.


Directions for Accessing the MyVHCC Portal (Video Tutorial)

Minimum Computer Recommendations for Students Purchasing a New Computer

Minimum Computer Requirements for Online Courses (Computers more than 3 yrs. old)

Laptop Checkout for VHCC Students 

VHCC Open Computer Lab




VCCS Resources

Download FREE MS Office 365, Respondus Lockdown Browser, Respondus Test Creation Software, etc. (Requires MyVHCC login)

WiFi Access

Optional Self-Placement Assessment Tool for Mathematics

This optional tool is designed to help you decide if you would benefit from completing a review course or co-enrolling in a support course along with your required math class. You will choose an assessment option based on expected enrollment in either MTH 111/132, MTH 154/155, or MTH 161. Then, based on the self-assessment results, a recommendation is provided for MDE 10 or 60, a MDE co-enrollment support course, or direct enrollment without MDE support.
You will need to enter an email address (a VHCC student email address is preferred if available, but is not required). The password for the assessment is demo.

Click here to take the Math Assessment.

You're Gonna Love Where You Go.TM
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